Formaker All-In-One 一款来自西通的多功能3D打印机,在美国众筹平台Kickstarter仅短短上线6天,就筹得42000美元,达到预定筹款额的80% ,如此成功项目突然被项目发起方---珠海西通电子有限公司叫停,引起业界一片哗然。 也有人质疑西通仅仅是在KICKSTARTER上博宣传并不是真实想众筹,但有人表示理解。 BACKER--- Dieter. G写道“I'm not convinced that the cancelation of the Kickstarter project is a bad thing. CTC is for years in the market as company, should have enough budget available and be not dependent on 50k USD to develop the Formaker on basis of their existing Bizer III 3-D printer.”
(我不认为Kickstarter项目的取消是一件坏事。CTC是市场作为有多年经验的3D打印公司,应该有足够的预算,可以不依赖于5万美元在现有bizer III基础上开发formaker 3D打印机。) (编辑:admin) |